
Posts Tagged ‘vps’

Cheap virtual private server offers today.

You can get a 1 GB RAM VPS for only 34.95 dollars (u.s. dollars) monthly.


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Quick Nginx Status Script

Nginx came with this HTTP stub status module that you can get the current server status in a HTML page. However it’s not pretty comparing to Lighttpd’s and Apache’s. Moreover, the information it provides is a bit cryptic.

For example, when you browse to the stub status page (please refer to the wiki document linked earlier on how to set it up), all you get is 4 lines of text:

$ curl http://myserver/nginx_status
Active connections: 183 
server accepts handled requests
 914384 914384 2725561 
Reading: 3 Writing: 2 Waiting: 178

Not very meaningful. Instead, I wrote a small Python script (download here: nginxstats.py (2.3kb)) that does something like this:

$ ./nginxstats.py http://myserver/nginx_status
Conn     Conn/s     Request/s  Read  Write Wait
-------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- -----
     157       9.57      31.07     0     2   155
     140      10.20      36.13     0     1   139
     147       9.33      33.60     0     4   143
     189      12.60      40.07     1     4   184
     164      13.07      41.53     5     2   157

Basically it fetches the data from the stub status page every 30 seconds (configurable in the script) and then do some calculation to find out how many connections have been established within the time frame, and what’s the average connections/second and requests/second. Similar to tools like vmstat, it basically runs continuously (until interrupted).

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New technology for VPS Xen

The new technology made VPS Xen enclose the full power of a dedicated and reliability of server virtualization: Each virtual enjoy full hardware redundancy and thus protected from possible broken disc and has the exclusivity of resources.

The service is designed to give customers complete autonomy in the management of the entire system: from the root shell to install / update of system components, to more advanced services through a special panel for managing the VPS: HyperVM.

Through it is indeed possible to run backup (which will be stored on a remote storage connected to a fiber optic) without causing the entire system down the virtual server, access the shell via terminal even if the VPS is not reachable via the network ( and view messages from the operations of boot).

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Virtual private servers or Virtual dedicated servers are a form of virtualization that split a single physical server into multiple virtual servers. The practice of partitioning a single server so that it appears as multiple servers has long been common practice in mainframe computers, but has seen a resurgence lately with the development of software and technologies such as VMware, Xen, FreeBSD Jail, User-mode Linux, Linux-VServer, FreeVPS, OpenVZ, and Virtuozzo.

Virtual private servers have also become popular for their ability to establish sandboxes. For example, a single physical server might have two virtual private servers running: one hosting the production-level (live) website, and a second which houses a copy of it. When updates to crucial parts of software need to be made, they can be tested in the second VPS, allowing for detailed testing to be conducted without requiring several physical servers. (more…)

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